Can you help us to ship life-saving sunscreen to Persons With Albinism in Sierra Leone?
Stepping Forward works with the Sierra Leone Association of Persons with Albinism to generate support for the health issues faced by People with Albinism & to challenge stigma. Over 80% of People with Albinism in Sierra Leone will die an early death from skin cancer.
Studies in Africa suggest that most people with albinism die from skin cancer between the ages of 30 and 40. (I.Ero, UN Independent Expert, 2015).
Protective sun cream is expensive & out of reach of most people (costing £10 - £15 a bottle locally; the average primary school teachers salary is £40-50 a month). Protection from the sun saves lives & needs to start from an early age.
Altruist Sun Screen, a company that has developed a quality sunscreen that reduces skin cancer, has donated 3 pallets of sunscreen (4000+ tubes, worth £18K) but we need to raise funds to get the pallets to Sierra Leone. We are very grateful for any support.