For a child to fully develop both physically and mentally they require good quality nutrition in the first 6 years of their lives. The St Peter's nursery is in the area of Nariokotome which is in Northern Kenya. At present, there are 43 boys and 67 girls attending the nursery and they are aged between 2-6 years old.
It costs £16.67 a month to support each child at the nursery which includes the educational elements of the programme. St Vincent's aims to support 30 children. Of the total costs per child, it costs approx. £2.35 a week to feed 1 child 2 meals per day, six days a week at our Nutritional Nursery Units. We are delighted that St. Vincent's partnership with the nursery shows their long term support for those in great need in Turkana and especially the children.
Help put a smile on the children's faces by supporting this fantastic project. The main objective to improve nutrition, health and education of the children in the Centre and therefore enable them to be the best they can be. Please give whatever support you can for this important project.
New Ways supports the Turkana, a semi nomadic tribe, in Northern Kenya. The area frequently experiences droughts and we are seeing the number of children at our nursery schools increase. They need food to survive and they need your help.