For the 12th year running Step by Step dance school will be offering 8 weeks of free dance lessons, culminating on stage at the Derngate theatre where the novice dancers will showcase their new skills to a captive audience. In return, each novice dancer will pledge to raise funds for Cynthia Spencer. The Hospice needs to raise £4.00 every minute of every day to keep all of its services continuing and improving; every penny kindly donated to this wonderful event will be truly appreciated.
Cynthia Spencer Hospice provides specialist palliative care for people diagnosed with life-limiting conditions and their families across Northamptonshire. They focus on the individuals needs, and how they can help them to live their life as fully as possible. This is done through the inpatient unit, where nurses work tirelessly to care for inpatients in a positive, supportive environment. As well as through our Hospice at Home team, giving patients more choice of where they are cared for, and giving the families more support. Plus we offer a Lymphoedema service and a Wellbeing centre, which is there for the individual from diagnosis, through all the symptoms, supporting them to live their best life.