Former loom workers in Bhiwandi, India were made redundant after the lockdown came into force. They are now stranded with no way to get back home to Uttar Pradesh and Bihar where they are from. 10 to 20 of them sleep in a 100m squared room in 33 C heat, India's hottest time of the year. If they venture out for a breath of fresh air, they are beaten back in by the police. Many of them have already risked their lives making the 2000km journey home by foot. At least they would be with their families they say. There is nothing left for them in the city and no transport to get back. The employers promises to to them have fallen through. There is no financial aid from the government nor was there ever a social security in place before the lockdown was imposed. This Ramadan, from the comfort and security of your home, please spare a thought for those who are likely to go hungry and have nowhere to go. Benevolence fund is working with local organisations such the Pharmacists Association of India (PAI) who are slowly running out of funds to distribute food to the poor and needy. Please see below links for lockdown news and the PAI