Snuggling in with a cosy cuppa for a good read is an everyday treat that many people take for granted. But what if you have no roof to call your own, no safe space to lose yourself in a story, not even a book to your name?
Streetreads takes books and stories to people experiencing homelessness to offer a momentary escape from the harsh reality of daily life, a rare chance to be entertained, to fire the imagination, to shine a light on their own experience and open windows on the world of possibilities.
Books are a great way to spark conversations and build the connections which are so vital to help people recover from homelessness and discover new life paths.
We gift books in new or mint condition so that our readers know it is a present offered with love and respect.
With your support we can reach out to more homeless readers. If you love books and people, please donate now, share our story and fundraise for us.