As part of our Shakespeare Folio400 celebrations, we are calling on the Stonyhurst Family to join us in a sponsored marathon reading of Shakespeare's 154 Sonnets. The money raised will be used for the digitisation of our First Folio.
Shakespeare's First Folio was published in 1623, seven years after his death. This was the first printed edition of Shakespeare's collected plays and is probably one of the most important books in the literary world. Of the approximate 750 copies printed it is believed that only 235 survive and Stonyhurst is proud to own one of these. This year, 2023, marks the 400th printing anniversary of the First Folio and celebrations will be held worldwide under the title Folio400.
The target for this sponsored event is £4,000, this sum equates to £10 for every year since the Folio was first printed. The Stonyhurst Museum & Archives are keen to make our copy of the Folio as widely accessible as possible and this fundraising will help support the digitisation of our copy of the First Folio so it can be accessed by all, no matter where they are in the world.
Each Folio is unique, as Marcus Coles, Folio400 conceiver, researcher, and content writer, says
No First Folio is the same, they all have different histories and stories. But the book is foundational to our language. Rarely a day goes by when you don't hear a phrase from a Shakespeare play being spoken often without the speaker realising they are quoting Shakespeare.
The Stonyhurst First Folio is signed by a former pupil and the donor of the Folio, Lord James Everard, 10th Lord Arundell of Wardour
Your support, no matter the size, will help us achieve this goal.
Thank you!