Welcome to the fundraising page for our new St Mary's playground!
Our current playground has been well loved and used for over 13 years - from maypole dances to the annual Christmas fayre, wishing services to egg rolling competitions and cake sales - both children and parents have made many memories in our outdoor space.
But it is time for a revamp! We are now ready to transform the playground into a new, fun and engaging space to encourage learning and play and add to the overall enrichment of the children’s education and wellbeing during their time at St Mary’s.
Whilst we have a number of plans to raise funds for the playground, it comes at a significant cost to our school so we will use this page for fundraising events and any donations you would like to give; please share it far and wide - to parents, carers, friends and the wider community! Your support to raise funds for this appeal is very much needed and appreciated! Let's do this!