St Mary's is a living gem in the heart of its community since 1866.
St Mary's has contributed to the lives of countless families both spiritually and socially over the last 167 years.
This unique building is now in need of restoration and the parishioners, friends and people of Lochee are endeavouring to raise funds to keep this building alive for future generations.
St Mary's is a Grade A Listed building partly due to its famous architect Joseph Hansom (who also designed the Hansom Cab) but mostly due to its sheer beauty and historical significance to Lochee.
As well as the profound spiritual impact St Mary's has had, it has also been a lifeline through its Community Cafe, Food Provision, and St Vincent de Paul Society who care for some of the most vulnerable people in our area. There are many people who rely on St Mary's to keep body and soul together. Please help us to continue to meet the spiritual and social needs of the people of Lochee through donating to the Restoration Project.