Sleep Out is an amazing opportunity to spend the night in the beautiful Norwich Cathedral Cloisters. Fall asleep and wake up in one of the most iconic landmarks of the city which has a rich history spanning over 900 years.
Arrive at Norwich Cathedral between 7.30pm and 8pm, bringing everything you will need for a good nights sleep underneath the Cloisters. Soup and snacks will be served to warm you. There will be a chance to hear more about the work St Martins carries out to help people out of homelessness and give them a hand up. Before climbing into our sleeping bags, we will say, by candlelight the traditional Night Office of Compline.
All we ask in return for the opportunity to sleep in this unique venue is that you raise as much sponsorship as you can for the work of St Martins to support out work in helping the homeless in our city and helping to rebuild lives.
St Martins is a local charity working in Norwich and Norfolk for over 40 years. We started life as the night shelter project and have since adjusted to the changing and complex needs of homeless people. Rough sleepers need a roof over their heads. They need a warm bed. And we provide that. But they also need a reason to get out of it in the morning. St Martins helps homeless people, and those at risk, by offering them a hand up. We nurture their self-esteem and trust in other people. We empower them to make positive choices. To some, we are a lifelong solution. To others, we are a stepping stone to rebuilding their lives.