Recent months with the lockdown due to Coronavirus have put a strain on the finances of many people and businesses and the Church, unfortunately, is not immune to this either.
Like many other Churches, we have seen a drop in income due to the lack of loose plate collections at services and the cessation of Hall hires. On top of that our outgoings are largely unchanged because the majority of our costs are related to staffing. We have taken the measures we can to minimise our outgoings, but our current estimate is that we will have at least a £30,000 deficit this year.
These will make it a challenge for us to sustain:
- Our parish ministry - allowing us to visit ill and lonely people, comfort the bereaved, share the Gospel, and worship
- Our church building - a sacred place dedicated to worship, prayer and witness
- The work of clergy in other parishes across the diocese and the training of new clergy
- Mission, both in this diocese of St Albans, and overseas - for people we will never meet but to whom we are able to give practical support.
St John's needs around £3,800 each week for its ministry of worship, witness, service and mission, or around £40 for each person in a typical Sunday 9:30am service.
- £21 keeps us going for one hour
- £58 keeps (in normal times) our services going for a week
St. Johns is funded almost exclusively by donations from our congregation. We do not receive grants from the government, the diocese or the rest of the Church of England, or from other charities.
Please do keep this situation in your prayers. But, also, if you happen to be amongst the people in the position of being able to consider an additional donation to the Church, that would be much appreciated.
You can read more about how your money might help us on your website.