While reports of new COVID-19 cases in Connecticut are trending lower, the challenges and economic impact are growing exponentially. Increasingly, families are being forced to choose between things like paying rent and buying enough food to feed their families. Parents are unable to access to child care so are forced to choose between working or caring for their children without income. 3 generations of a family often live together to save, but are still unable to pay for desperately needed health care. These scenarios and more are playing out across the state and in our own communities. Let's come together and help as Neighbors Helping Neighbors.
Maria worked for 2 years as a medical assistant. She and her husband were expecting their second child when her father passed away from liver cancer. After her father passed away, Maria lost her job.But that was only the beginning.
The real anxiety came when her husband tested positive for coronavirus when she was in the last trimester of her pregnancy.Maria's husband responsibly stayed home and isolated to make sure he didn't get his family or coworkers sick. Maria's husband received no financial support during this time, and their family was unsure of how they would pay their bills.
4-CT is working with Community Based Organizations to get financial support to the most vulnerable residents of our state, including those being left out of the government's response to COVID-19.The 4-CT Card connects critical funds directly to those experiencing the most urgent need.
Now with the 4-CT Card, Maria and her family wont have to choose between paying rent and buying groceries.
100% of donations go directly to helping families meet their basic needs.Please DONATE TODAY and help a neighbor in need.
#4CT #grassroots #stepup #neighborshelpingneighbors