At St Dunstans, we strive to be a faithful, welcoming, and compassionate church for all.
This includes using the church as a community resource as well as a sacred space for reflection and worship.
St Dunstans church is a magnificent building and is referred to as the Cathedral of the Weald because of its size and splendour. It reflects the wealth of Flemish weavers who settled in Cranbrook in the 1330s and sparked a rich 250-year period of prosperity and growth. Today, it serves a community of c.8,000 and can seat up 500 people, (but alas the wealthy Flemish weavers have since departed the scene!)
Although the Church is already a hive of activity, we want to be an even more thriving church, alive with music and events and activities for all ages.
But did you know that it costs over £300 a day to keep St Dunstans open for everyone?
Along with other parish churches, our church must be self-financing as we receive no government or Church of England funding.
To continue our work, we rely on the generosity of the local community, our worshipping congregation, visitors, and friends.
A simple way to support the continued presence of a working and serving church would be to consider making a donation to support our work. Please support us if you can.
Thank you.