2023 will see the streets of Lincolnshire adorned with HeARTs designed and crafted by local artists, to promote the very best of the county and help support St Barnabas Hospice after 40 years of providing care and support to local people.
To sit alongside the 'HeART Trail' will be 'Young at HeART', a mini trail that will bring schools together and allow them to get creative whilst helping to raise vital funds for Hospice care.
The Young at HeART Trail will be the most creative and engaging mini trail to date. It will be as inclusive as possible therefore instead we will provide a brief for all schools and community groups wanting to get involved and pair them up with an Artist to support and guide them.
Each setting will then produce their very own Young at HeART Sculpture, taking on the form of the main HeARTs but half the size. They can be made from whatever material they choose.
We want to ensure young people are able to be involved with this commemorative, feel good trail. After all, they are our future supporters, employees and consumers.
Involvement with the Young at HeART trail will help you create fantastic and engaging workshops for your pupils, all relevant to the curriculum guidelines. We want this to be the most engaging and inclusive trail and therefore encourage schools as well as social groups such as Brownies, Beavers, Girl Guides, Scouts and any sports clubs to get involved too.
To find out more and to get involved, please go to: