WCT support over 4500 vulnerable and disadvantaged people every year through our community centres and projects. Many of our clients are lonely, isolated, have issues with their confidence and resilience, have a long term health condition and low level mental health issues.
During this unprecedented situation we are no longer able to support our clients in our centres so we are looking at alternative ways that we can help them through this difficult time. Many of our clients will now be isolated in their homes and for a number of them will be on their own with no other support.
We are aiming to provide our most vulnerable clients with a meal and a care package to ensure they are supported during this difficult period. We need to make sure these people are not forgotten about and we are doing everything we can to provide a lifeline for them.
Our care packages will not only provide them with access to some essential items and a meal but also activities that can be done in the home such as jigsaw puzzles, colouring, crossword books etc
Any support, however small or large, will be so greatly appreciated.