As the challenges of COVID-19 continue, our ability to gather together as a community and continue our much needed fundraising is being impeded again this school year. We hope to put on a number of virtual events over the course of the next 6 months but we wanted to give people the option of simply making a donation to the school whenever they feel they are able to.
Following on from the figures announced at our December AGM, we would usually have raised approximately £5,000 by Spring, and generally raise £10,000 in total each year. Approximately £8,000 of this is handed over to the school each year to fund vital projects that greatly enhance the learning experience of the children. In the last school year we raised well under half the normal amount due to COVID-19 restrictions, yet have continued to contribute funds to the school for things like the purchase of new school reading books (£2,500) in November and a virtual pantomime watched by the children in December.
So far this school year, we have only been able to run a few small fundraising events. Whilst these have been generously supported we have raised less than £1,000, significantly less than normal. As we need to keep a minimum amount in the bank account we have reached a point where we are unable to hand over any more funds to the school until the account is boosted.
Life is very challenging for everyone right now, and we don't want to bombard you with virtual events or schemes that you simply don't have time to deal with or participate in. So instead, we will leave this fundraising campaign open for the remainder of the school year. If you can't donate at all we understand but if you or other family/community members can, then please feel free to do so at any point over the course of the year
As always, all donations to the PTFA are gratefully received. Thank you!