As we all shift to a new normal, it is imperative that our mission continues. Like many other organizations CYP was forced to postpone fundraising events and make profound adjustments to how we work in the community. Our staff is now providing online educational and mentor support to our youth and college students. We are also helping our families identify resources available in the community in an effort to offer hands on assistance as they navigate the COVID 19 crisis.
We are hopeful that in the coming months we will be able to fully reignite our programs as we reconfirm our commitment to make a long-term investment in our youth to help them achieve long term success.
Over the next three months we are campaigning to keep our promise. Our goal is to raise $50,000 by July 1st. Below are a few ways that you can contribute. No amount is too small, every dollar raised helps us continue to uplift
and empower!
How you can help:
$20 = A meal for a family of four
$25 = One hour of 1:1 virtual mentoring
$30 = Two Common Core aligned tutoring sessions in english and math for an elementary or middle school youth
$35 = Two hours of individualized early literacy interventions for a 3 or 4 year old youth
$100 = COVID 19 support services for a family
$150 = Safe Summer Camp/Virtual Summer Camp for 1 youth
$200 = Supplies for a 1st year/1st generation college student for Fall 2020
Check out our Fall/ Winter Newsletter