UPDATE: Thanks to our generous Community and the donors at this year's CMHReveal, we have reached goal for SpotlightMRI!
Please know that should you be inspired, you can continue to donate to MRI. Your donation towards the new MRI now, helps the Foundation meet our commitment to the Hospital faster.
We need a new MRI to better serve our patients and community.
Diagnostic Imaging is at the core of patient care. Extensively trained, skilled medical doctors use MRI and other high tech equipment to diagnose disease, illness and injury. It is fundamental to care and touches all we do.
Our community's generosity led to the purchase of our very first MRI in 2012. This much celebrated milestone has allowed CMHs DI Program to grow and mature. Today, our skilled radiologists and physicians' capacity and capabilities to care for residents is unmatched in our history.
Step Challenge for MRI
Update: Smita and her family have joined Sara Alvarado for the June 2024 Walk from Paris to Cambridge!
CMHF Board Member Smita Challu Tulsani is raising funds for Spotlight MRI with a 100,000 step challenge!
As a busy marketing exec, volunteer and proud mother of two young boys, Smita has a lot on the go. But making the time to slow down, enjoy nature and teach her boys about giving back to the community is a priority. Thank you to everyone who has given to Spotlight MRI to show their support of Smita's Challenge!