People of all ages are taking on The 2.6 Challenge with a host of activities from walking, running or cycling 2.6 miles, juggling for 2.6 minutes, to holding online workouts with friends. The ideas and options are endless! Challenge Ideas
The only requirement is that you must follow Government guidelines on exercise and social distancing. Most people are taking part from Sunday 26th April but you can do your activity whatever is most convenient for you.
Social isolation has had a huge impact on victims and survivors of domestic abuse. For those still in an abusive relationship social isolation has left many women, men and children confined with their abuser 24 hours/7 days a week, with few opportunities to connect with family and friends. Every day victims are left feeling they are walking on eggshells waiting, watching and trying to anticipate the next flash point so that they can protect themselves.
Survivors of domestic abuse beginning their independent life can be left feeling vulnerable, isolated, anxious and economically disadvantaged. The current restrictions has magnified these feelings as they adjust to new routines, often managing the trauma of domestic abuse for their children and themselves alone, in addition to the challenges of home schooling.
Domestic abuse and sexual violence destroys lives but it does not have to define the lives of Survivors. With support, information and advice survivors can reclaim their lives and come to terms with their experiences and move on to build a safer and happier life.
Your donation will help victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence through these challenging times by helping us adapt to the current restrictions so that we can continue supporting people experiencing domestic abuse and sexual violence.
These are a few of the things clients have said over the last few weeks;
you listened when nobody else did
J helped me understand it wasn't my fault."
£5 will print a "Rediscovering You" Talk Toolkit Talk Toolkits
£15 will provide a Survivor with 1 hour of specialist Volunteer Buddy support.
£26 will print 5 Economic Resilience Talk Toolkits
£30 will buy a food voucher
£35 will provide a mobile phone and top-up for a survivor
Splitz Support Service is a registered charity delivering support services to adults and young people experiencing the trauma of domestic abuse and sexual violence. Splitz delivers services across south-west England.
Splitz Support Service