The children of Sonning Common Primary School need your help!!
Our school is an inclusive, welcoming, creative, community school located in a residential neighbourhood in Sonning Common, Oxfordshire with pupils coming from all sections of the local area. We are considered to be the hub of the village, in a close community, with a supportive network of both parents and locals.
Our school vision is to provide an excellent education, a spacious environment and a wide variety of experiences, which will help develop and inspire the whole child and every child.
At the moment, our playground is desperately in need of a covered area in our KS1 playground. We would like to develop our outdoor resources and make a safe area to provide shelter and shade, but more importantly, a place to enhance the outdoor learning opportunities provided by our teaching staff.
The playground and school field is used in a variety of ways, including:
Playtime at break and lunch sessions every day
Outdoor PE classes every day
Running club
Christmas fair
Summer fair
Fundraising events e.g. Cake sales
After school club
Sports Day
Daily learning
Jazz Club and Choir events
Unfortunately, due to weather restrictions, we often have to cut breaks short, cancel events or outdoor learning; due to the lack of shelter provided in this area.
We want this to change.
Research shows that there are many benefits to outdoor learning. It helps improve physical and mental health, encourages imaginative play while promoting the child's overall development and learning.
Who will benefit from the enhancement of the outdoor learning space?
All 368 children who attend the Sonning Common Primary School
The local families and community who enjoy our Summer and Christmas Fair and our musical concerts, among other events
The after school club and sports coaches
Parents awaiting for their children to come out of school
Children with anxiety conditions who may require a quiet, calm space.
Unfortunately, to date, we have been unable to secure funding for this project, mainly due to budget cuts for things deemed to be non-essential spend and, more recently, due to Covid-19 and the cancellation of all our fundraising events.
As a school, we want to foster children's love of the outside learning environment and feel that with rejuvenation, the playground could provide our children with a safe space that inspires them, protects them and provide shaded areas so the playground can be used in the height of the summer. This would also make the area more aesthetically pleasing and a place the children are proud of.
The Parent Teacher Association is a truly united group of supportive parents and amazing teachers with one common goal to enhance and improve the childrens learning experience. They have agreed to put £10,000 towards the project. However, we still require a further £25,000 in order to fulfill the quote of £35,000.
With your help and donations, we can make this possible.
Thank you!
Sonning Common Primary School PTA