Save The Mothers Trust Ramadhan Food Appeal 2022
SMT has launched its emergency food aid appeal to ensure the poor and needy around the world dont go hungry during the blessed days of Ramadhan #2022.
He is not a believer who eats his full and leaves his neighbour hungry.(Hadith)
An important part of our work at SMT, is food distribution to impoverished communities across the globe. It is a well-established fact that in a time of crisis such as war and famine this saves lives.
Did you know that 800 million people around the World are hungry?
Did you know a child dies every five seconds from hunger-related causes?
10 million children under the age of five die every year, mostly from preventable illnesses.
As simple as it sounds, food distribution to impoverished communities both during times of crises such as war or famine and at other times saves lives and is an important part of our work.
During the most important month of the Islamic calendar; the period known as Ramadhan when fasting is obligatory during the entire month; SMT has been working on behalf of the British Muslim community to bring happiness and joy to poor and needy people across the world.
Imagine spending the whole day fasting and then ending with no food in your kitchen to open your fast?
Imagine having to tell your children that they must go without a full meal?
This is the situation thousands face around the world every day.
All year round and especially in the month of Ramadhan each year SMTs Food Aid Programme provides food packages for the poor and needy in some of the poorest countries in the World.
£50 will provide one family with food provisions to last the whole month. Each food pack that we provide consists of rice, flour, sugar, oil, lentils and dates.
Well also be supporting the Rohingya Refugees with nutritional iftar meals. £1 will provide one meal!
He who gives Iftar to a fasting person, shall earn reward equivalent to a fasting person, without detractive from their reward (Hadith)
Seek Allahs pleasure by being generous to His creation. Support our brothers and sisters in Pakistan, Africa, the Rohingya Refugees.
Donate #Now and #Share these blessings.
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