Singadebi School in Sablakhu Gau wears a tired look, one that has experienced much turmoil from the weather and people. Locals along with DFID built the current school building many years ago and the present-day condition is rapidly deteriorating.
As the local community and the government are unable to repair or construct a new building due to limited funds, 123 students continue to study in poor conditions putting not only themselves at risk but also affecting the quality of education they receive.
The buildings face water leakage through the roofs and walls, especially during the monsoon season and bring a different set of challenges during the cold winter months.
The Taplejung Society UK will be raising approximately £30,000 from generous supporters such as yourself to construct up to four class rooms. We therefore, request your support for this grand project by doing what you can to fundraise or by attending the charity dinner on September 17th, 2022 at the Empire, Aldershot from 2PM onwards.
The dinner tickets are priced at £40 per person and is inclusive of dinner, refreshments, live entertainment and raffle. Please get in touch at for more event information.