St Helens Youth Brass Band was founded as a charity through some courageous innovative steps to secure the place of excellent youth music in this area 30 years ago when free music tuition and groups were lost in the borough. Since that time, music and the arts continue to be marginalised and squeezed out of school curriculums. Yet we know the enormous developmental and well-being benefits of learning a musical instrument and playing in groups with others.
The current health crisis has made normal music activity even more difficult and yet music in all forms has been exploding into our homes like never before as the spirit and energy of musicians continues to demonstrate its ability to sustain, develop and bring hope. We have been fortunate to be awarded a grant from the Arts Council to create some specific online projects for our young people during lockdown. Exciting developments are underway. But this money is restricted and must be used in the next few months.
We must turn our attention to the next 10 years of our band and seek to create a sustainable position from which we can continue to develop and grow. Its expensive to run a band safely for so many young people and we normally rely on the ability to sell tickets for concerts and hours of busking to generate what we need to operate. We are also acutely aware that learning a musical instrument comes with a high price tag and that as we emerge from lockdown even less young people in our area will be able to access this opportunity.
Please help us to make it possible for more young people to access all the incredible opportunities and experiences we can offer. We need to repair, maintain and buy instruments, cover our basic running costs, pay tutors, subsidise lessons, trips, tours and competitions. With your help we can engage and enthuse the next generation of professional musicians performers, educators and promoters. We can enhance the lives and development of young people in this area regardless of their current circumstances. We can make a difference that will last for many lifetimes. Will you help support our return to band beyond lockdown restrictions so that nobody is unable to return or join?
See some of our current members playing from our youngest C Band Challenge to our advanced group A Band Socially Distanced Performance
Thank you for supporting us.