We are living through unparalleled times. The need of the hour will evolve and continue to change as the pandemic progresses.
Sewa Day Volunteers in 24 teams around the country are prepared to serve the community as is required. So far, we have been involved in the following projects:
1- Helping those in Isolation with grocery shopping, provision of hot meals, medicine collection and more.
2- Provision of hot, cooked meals to the NHS at hospitals and ambulance stations; homeless shelters; care homes and of course individuals in need at home through our Sewa Kitchens.
3- Replenishing food banks around the country with much needed food and other items.
4- Through the 'Spread some joy' project the old and young are preparing art work, poems, stories, letters and more to send to nursing homes and NHS wards up and down the country. We are also sending Easter eggs too!
5- Our National Helpline is also on hand to ensure that those in need can be connected to the right people to assist them.
There is more help to give and more help needed. Your donations will ensure that we can respond to every need quickly and efficiently.
To find out more and to keep in touch with Sewa Day, follow us on our social channels.