People who have had sepsis may be more susceptible to COVID-19, due to a weakened immune system. They could therefore be at greater risk.
A World renowned sepsis study, part funded by Sepsis Research FEAT, is now collecting samples and data from COVID-19 patients. The GenOMICC research conducted by Dr Kenneth Baillie at the Roslin Institute In Edinburgh can perform the same genes research planned for sepsis, with COVID-19. Like sepsis, susceptibility to COVID-19 is strongly considered to be linked to genes, so this research is key in the fight against both illnesses.
It is vital to continue recruitment of hospitals to provide patient samples to the GenOMICC study. Samples and data from the study may answer many urgent questions about the COVID-19 virus, which could help to control the outbreak and improve treatment for patients. It can also provide important answers to develop improved treatments for life-threatening sepsis.
A large number of samples are required for the researchers to provide meaningful data. For research into COVID-19, at least 1300 UK DNA samples are required to be recruited and stored for the 1st phase of analysis. Many more samples may be required for further phases.
By collecting and processing more samples, we will accelerate the research into the genetic factors that influence critical illness. This research is vital to provide answers for both sepsis and COVID-19.
We urgently need funding to support the collection and storage of more samples.
Please support our emergency appeal to raise at least £20,000.
Together we will fight critical illness. Together we will #stopsepsisnow.