We need to respect the oceans and take care of them as if our lives depended on it. Because they do. Sylvia Earle
Over 90% of the earth's plants and animals - from tiny plankton to the mighty blue whales - live in and depend on the seas and oceans. But the ocean is in crisis through pollution, over fishing, climate change and destruction of vital habitats.
Sea-Changers marine conservation charity is delivering a direct response to this crisis.
We believe that the best people to care for the UKs coasts and coastal wildlife are the people who live, work and play there. Our grants enable local people to preserve, clean up and raise awareness about the coastal environments they love. We award grants of between £500 and £1,200, twice a year, through an open application process.

It's well documented that through climate change, plastic pollution and over-fishing, the health of the ocean is at risk. Those who rely on the environment for their enterprise can play a role in improving it. We are the conduit through which that can happen. Rachel Lopata, Sea-Changers Co-Founder
Most of our grant money is raised through fundraising relationships with our fantastic fundraising partners . But we need your help.
COVID 19 has impacted on our fundraising significantly, but the demand on our grants programme continues to increase. There are amazing projects applying for our funds that we simply cannot afford to support. But with your help, we can do more. In 2021 we are celebrating our 10th anniversary and as part of that celebration we are holding a festival of virtual events to spotlight some of the projects we have supported and to promote what we have achieved so far. The events are free but we would love it if, in lieu of a ticket price, you would help us to raise more funds to distribute to vital UK marine conservation projects.
What we fund
Sea-Changers enables a wide range of conservation activity, from education and awareness raising projects, direct action - such as clean ups; or the installation of coastal water fountains; to species protection and research. Your donations will contribute to projects like these:
Species Protection e.g., Loch Craignish Oyster Reintroduction
In 2019, Sea-Changers funded the first successful native oyster reintroduction in Scotland. 15 volunteers worked to introduce 1,000 oysters into Loch Craignish over 12 months, of which 450 survive and have become established in the Loch.
Our funding enabled the purchase of special oyster cages, a number of community engagement events and the ongoing monitoring of the project. The project ran an oyster session in the local primary school, a beach walk and regular monitoring trips to the oyster cages.
This pilot generated a lot of interest and directly led to a big new project that will take the initial work much further. Antonia Baird, Project Coordinator
Research e.g., Minke whale species protection
Sea-Changers has supported focal studies of minke whales, the UK's smallest whale, in North East Scotland. The studies aim to further understand the ecology and habitat requirements of these beautiful creatures. The data obtained helped to inform and assist the implementation of newly designated Marine Protected Areas for these whales in Scotland.
Direct Action e.g., Remote coastal clean up in the Shetland Isles On the Killer Whale Trail
With the funding, and constant encouragement and enthusiasm of Sea-Changers, in 2020 On the Killer Whale Trail was able to undertake the On the Litter Trail campaign, cleaning 14 beaches in 14 days whilst encouraging others to join in and clean their local patch too. Through the power of social media the campaign went global, and we collectively collected over a tonne of litter in two weeks (1122.26kg!), the equivalent weight to 16 harbour porpoises, 24 vaquita, 6 killer whale calves or 2805 puffins! Without Sea-Changers this campaign wouldn't have been possible, we are hugely grateful for the funding and support which helped clean up beaches globally during the campaign. Emily Hague, Founder
Community Action e.g., Newquay Marine Groups
Newquay Marine Group was founded in 2013 as a voice for the coastal environment. The organisation received seed funding from Sea-Changers and is now 200 members strong. Their focus is on joining up local fishermen, surfers and beach users with environmental agencies and wildlife groups to create a collective voice for the protected coastline around the town. Over the past seven years we've awarded Newquay Marine Group £3,400 to help them grow.
The outside world just saw us as a magnet for stag parties. But we had a pod of dolphins, a working harbour, an incredible undersea world An organisation was needed to pull all these strands together. Our grant from Sea-Changers was the catalyst we needed and it led to us becoming an incorporated organisation. We used the initial £460 to buy marketing materials and beach equipment to allow us to do surveys. The organisation soon began to take on a life of its own. Co-founder Gabi Gilkes, Newquay Marine Group.
About us
Sea-Changers is a UK charity, managed by a small team of volunteers who love the UKs seas, shores and wildlife. We were founded in 2011 by diving enthusiasts Rachel Lopata and Helen Webb. We aim to harness the commitment and passion of those who enjoy the UK's coast to improve our seas, shores and wildlife. Our founders are backed up by a team of volunteer marine experts, enthusiasts and specialists who advise and support.
We issue grants, typically of up to £1,200, twice a year through an open application process. Over 200 grants have been issued since our formation.
Please donate to help us maximise the grants we can allocate in our anniversary year and share our fundraiser on social media. Thank you for supporting us!
To find out more about Sea-Changers visit: