The roof on the main part of our headquarters building has been deteriorating over the past few years. This had led to the roof starting to leak in a few places.
The former farm building was part of the old Glebe Farm which was converted to Scout Headquarters and opened in 1983. The roof was constructed using second hand pantiles which are now becoming very old and brittle and need to be replaced. We intend to use County pantiles to match other buildings in the immediate area including those on the adjacent Parish Centre.
The cost of renewing the roof will be £18,500. As a registered charity, we fundraise continually to survive but, as I'm sure you're aware, COVID-19 has had a large impact on all aspects of our everyday lives. For a Scout group it has meant that we haven't been able to organise any face to face Scouting activity since March 2020, and understandably this has had a tremendous impact on our ability to fundraise. We intend to resume a full fundraising programme as soon as the situation becomes more normal and we can resume face to face Scouting activity.
It is important that we carry out this work as soon as possible before any lasting damage is done to the interior of the building.
We sincerely appreciate any donation that you are able to make to support our campaign.
Please feel free to share our campaign with your family, friends and anybody else that you can think of!