We need your help to provide a Safe Haven for our Dogs in 2019. We rescue & rehabilitate dogs that are the victims of abuse, neglect and abandonment and we need the help of animal lovers to create a better future. Our existing kennels are now closed as they are now time expired due to age. Please join us in helping us to reach our target to start commencing work in 2019. The plans are ready, the land is ready we just need your help with the final push forward. As an independent charity to the National RSPCA we are responsible for our own operational and rebuild costs just like any other local small charity.
Please help us to provide a safe and secure rehabilitation service for the many abused and neglected dogs throughout our area.
If you would like to buy-a-brick to help our Kennel rebuild please donate £5+ and leave your name on this page - as a thank you your name will appear on our special donor wall of honour in the new Kennel Block