Thousands of people across the world have contracted the lethal coronavirus while living in a care home. With your help we can keep our residents safe from harm. It's extremely challenging preventing cross contamination in close living quarters and we need support funding urgent PPE needed for our team.
Please help us protect our residents from contracting the virus while we still can. Diagrama Foundation is a charity that cares for 60+ vulnerable adults in our four care homes across London and Essex. PPE (personal protecive equipment) is vital to protect our residents from COVID-19.
We have isolated our residents for long enough now to know that if they do become infected with coronavirus, it will have come from a member of our own team. We now need to step up the meaures we take ourselves to protect our wonderful residents by kitting out our staff. We need your urgent help to fund this.
So far PPE supplies from Public Health have been prioritised for NHS critical teams. This has left care homes exposed and charities like Diagrama facing rocketing costs of securing the sparse supplies privately. With your support we can secure the equipment we need right now and keep our staff and residents safe during this crisis. Every little makes a difference.
£3,000 will help buy our team the full face visors, surgical masks, hand sanitiser and disposable suits we desperately need.
Thank you for thinking of our residents at this challenging time for everyone. Stay home and stay safe, for everyone's sakes.