On the 17th and 18th of September 2022, Wellington Samaritans are hosting 'Walk with Me', a 10km walk or run.
To keep our helpline running, we need you to get running or walking for us. How and where you complete the 10 km is up to you - you could walk it in your local neighbourhood, around your local park, or even on the treadmill. If 10km is too much of a stretch, you could walk it over two days.
Wellington Samaritans' mission is to reduce deaths by suicide. If New Zealanders are experiencing loneliness, depression, despair, distress, or suicidal feelings, they can call 0800 72 66 66, and our volunteers will answer. Each year, Wellington Samaritans answer up to 20,000 calls.
Donations raised from Walk With Me will enable us to recruit and train multiple new helpline volunteers, ensuring more calls for help are answered. With your help, we'll keep the Samaritans phone lines open throughout the year, ensuring there is always someone to listen when a person whos struggling finds the courage to call.