Water For Africa has so far successfully raised the funds to supply boreholes in both Gambia & Somaliland. Our next project in Gambia, is to update 15 existing wells, upgrading them from bucket and rope wells, to solar panelled borehole wells with pumps and filters. The amount of people living in the village, has grown tremendously since the wells were first dug. They now continuously run dry, as they were not established to cater for that amount of people.
The wells that are currently being used, were originally drilled 20 meters deep, but the water level at 20 meters is now not sufficient to sustain the number of people that now residing in the village.
Therefore all of the wells need to be drilled a further 20 meters to reach a better and richer flow of water. Each well will then be upgraded to automatic boreholes complete with a water filter, pump and water storage tank with tower to make it easy for the villagers to obtain water.
The name of the village is Makumbaya
The village is situated in Kombo, North District and is located near to Gambias internstional airport.
There are over eight thousand people living there.
Makumbaya village has more than fifteen wells that have extremely low water levels that consistently run dry.
The current wells being used were originally dug only 20 meters deep, which is not sufficient for the size that the community has grown too.
The project is to develop all 15 wells, by drilling them another 20 meters adding a pump, filter, solar panels, water tank and tower to upgrade them to automatic borehole wells InshAllh.
We are now also finalising plans to place boreholes in GHANA, GUINEA BISSAU, IVORY COAST, KENYA & SENEGAL