At Inclusion Matters by Shanes Inspiration, we believe it is the birthright of every child to simply play on the playground. Unfortunately, many public playgrounds exclude children with disabilities because they are either inaccessible or offer equipment that is extremely limited in its value. This means that children with disabilities are denied a fundamental experience that supports their ability to develop essential life skills.
Thats why, for the last 23 years, we have been reinventing the paradigm of play by designing inclusive playgrounds and providing education programs that bring children with and without disabilities together through the powerful act of play. Inclusion Matters by Shanes Inspiration is working globally with community partners on every continent to ensure that play, dignity and friendship are within reach of every child.
COVID-19 has affected all of us in different ways, but the children and families we serve lost many of the critical therapies and educational support structures they depended upon. Thats why Inclusion Matters by Shanes Inspiration created virtual programming to help kids, parents, and educators navigate powerfully through the pandemic.
We are so thankful that we can gather in person for our Run, Walk & Roll event at Shane's Inspiration. If you can't join us in person, we hope you will consider creating a giving page or supporting one of our participants.
Check out this video from our 2019 Run, Walk & Roll with special guests, Gina Gershon and U2's The Edge to see how much fun and inclusive our event is.