Us in a Bus is a small local charity based out of Redhill Aerodrome. They support people who are often isolated and who find communicating with the world (and the people in it) a massive challenge. The people they support have profound and multiple learning disabilities, complex needs and sensory processing differences, requiring speciality assistance to build meaningful engagement with others. Their services enable the people they see to access life-enriching experiences and to participate in the everyday things we take for granted such as time with friends, expressing how we are feeling and making choices for ourselves. Using Intensive Interaction at a weekly session, their IP’s aim to cut through some of these complexities and concentrate on what makes us all the same; the need to connect and communicate with each other in a way that means something to us and that contributes positively to emotional well-being.
Our Brighton Marathon team consists of good friend of Us in a Bus Kelly, her husband Clinton, his twin brother Ryan and their friend Steve. All four are regular runners but this will be their first English marathon and they are all delighted to have an English Winter to train over! Though we have promised them a ‘braai’ on Brighton beach at the end! !