We have recently welcomed a number of animals to our centre who have sadly needed extensive veterinary treatment for various conditions. As a self-funded charity, multiple large vet bills within a short space of time is not something we can easily afford, so we are in urgent need of your support to help pay for all the necessary treatments needed to give these animals a second chance. We would be so grateful if you could donate towards our appeal, to help make a difference to the following animals:
Zeta (9 year old Shepherd x Mallinois) – Zeta arrived at our centre a couple of weeks ago, and shortly after our team discovered she was limping. Zeta was taken to the vet and required x-rays for a large lump that was found on one of her back legs. Sadly, the x-rays revealed that Zeta may have bone cancer, but further investigation is needed to confirm this and determine any possible treatment for her. So far, her two consultations and X-rays have cost £600.
Cooper (7 week old Rottweiler) – Many of you may have met little Cooper at our recent Summer Fun Day & Dog Show! Cooper has been at our centre since he was just 3 weeks old. He was diagnosed with puppy strangles, which is very uncommon but we believe this may have been caused by him being taken away from his mum too early which will have affected his immune system. The cost of Coopers veterinary consultations and steroid medication has come to around £150.
Errol (1 year old DSH) - Errol has been with us for 2 months now, after his previous owner was unable to continue paying for the vet treatment needed for his skin condition. When Errol arrived at our centre, he had sore, open wounds all over his face and on his back. Errol has been prescribed pain relief as well as steroid tablets and creams, this medication along with his consultations have cost around £300. Errol will also need to have allergy blood tests to determine the cause of his skin condition, which will cost up to an additional £320.
Moon (7 week old Staffordshire Bull Terrier) – Moon was signed over to us by his previous owner who couldn’t afford his treatment after he had a fall down a flight of stairs and dislocated his front leg. He had surgery on Friday and unfortunately it was not possible to fix his leg, so it sadly had to be amputated. Prior to his surgery, Moon developed an abscess on his wound which required a course of antibiotics before he could have his operation. His consultations and antibiotics cost £100, and his surgery cost around £200.
Pat (4 year old Maine Coon) – Pat arrived at our centre with a large burst abscess on her face which affected her eyes. After lots of treatment and antibiotics, her face healed quickly but we noticed her eyes were not improving. Sadly, after further investigation, we found that Pat has entropion in both eyes and will require surgery that is estimated to cost £500. If it is left untreated it could cause further issues and she could potentially lose her vision altogether.
Juniper (1 year old English Lop) – Soon after Juniper arrived at our centre, she became quite lethargic and was off her food. After an emergency veterinary consultation, it was found that Juniper was in a lot of pain and x-rays showed that she had a foreign body in her stomach which had caused a blockage. During her surgery it was discovered that the blockage had caused substantial damage to Juniper’s stomach that sadly couldn’t be repaired. Unfortunately, following veterinary advice, the kindest thing for Juniper was to be put to sleep peacefully so she was no longer suffering or in pain. Juniper’s emergency consultation, overnight monitoring on fluids, and surgery cost a total of £450.
We always want to provide the best possible care and treatment for our animals, to give them the second chance they deserve so they can go on to find their forever home. Our branch is already under a lot of pressure with increasing bills at the moment, and we are struggling to afford these additional veterinary fees. We would be ever so grateful for your support to help us help Zeta, Cooper, Errol, Moon, and Pat by donating to our appeal. No donation is ever too small, and every pound donated will make a huge difference in giving these animals the chance at a healthier and longer life.
Any money that we may raise above the amount needed will go towards all the other animals in our care at our branch in East Ardsley.
Thank you for your support.