Presenting Sponsors: Nationwide and Sammons Financial Group

Collaborating Sponsor: Iowa Total Care and Shermco Industries

Supporting Sponsors: NCMIC, John Deere Financial, and Farmers Mutual Hail

Contributing Sponsors: First Interstate Bank, Nevada Kiwanis Club, Bankers Trust, and Polk County Housing Trust Fund

Reggie Kelsey was a young Des Moines man who aged-out of the foster care system in 2001. Within three months of his 18th birthday, Reggie was found dead in the Des Moines River.
Reggie had an endearing personality, but he also suffered from mental illness and depression. He worried about how he would survive on his own. After he was removed from his last foster care placement, Reggie bounced from one shelter to another. Occasionally, he camped outside while working with Iowa Homeless Youth Centers Street Outreach Program.
After Reggie’s untimely death, IHYC started the Iowa Aftercare Services Network to provide structure and services to youth as they age out of the foster care system. Reggie’s Sleepout was named in honor of Reggie, and our commitment to prevent a similar tragedy.
October 19, 2024 marks the 19th Annual Reggie’s Sleepout. Since we began in 2006, Reggie’s Sleepout has raised over $2 million for Iowa Homeless Youth Centers. Every dollar that is raised goes directly toward programs that assist homeless youth in achieving independence and self-sufficiency.
This fall, hundreds will again sleep out, on the field at Drake Stadium, in boxes, tents, and sleeping bags. While one night can never completely replicate what it must feel like to be homeless, Reggie’s Sleepout provides some insight into the lives of people who don’t have a place to call home.
So please spread the word to your friends, family, colleagues and peers. You spreading the word plays a huge role in the success of this event!