Rabbit Residence Rescue wants to get on the move!
Our rescue has been on the same plot of land for over 20 years, we would dearly like to have improved facilities to enable us help even more rabbits. Whilst we already rescue, rehabilitate and rehome approximately 150 unwanted or neglected pet rabbits each year, there are many, many more we’re unable to help.
Our goal is to buy a new space we can develop into a purpose-built rabbit rescue, with a heated space to allow us to treat rabbits who are sick or injured, many of whom we currently care for offsite, and a larger isolation area so that we can take in and rehabilitate more rescue rabbits.
The rescue is currently located in a 1/3rd acre field, with no electricity or water. For hot water we rely on a gas stove. To have electricity would be a game changer for us as it would allow us to have heating, on site washing machines for blankets, a microwave for heat pads, and a freezer for ice pods on those hot summer days.
Whilst our current facilities for healthy rabbits are great and include large RWAF sized dog kennels with grazing areas for longer term residents and spacious aviaries which have been built up and added to over the years, they need regular upkeep and many repairs. To have better custom-built housing with longevity and hygiene in mind, would be beneficial for both rabbits and humans alike.
Facilities for staff and volunteers are limited to one small barn which is also used for bonding and storage and a Portaloo. To be able to offer our human visitors somewhere to sit and have a cup of tea would be very welcome.
Our current site does not allow us to hold events such as open days or educational events, nor are we allowed to hold any kind of fundraiser on site. Educational and open days would be fantastic to share rabbit care and welfare information to a wider audience. We would need better, easier, access with a car park for visitors in order to be able to hold educational and fundraising events on site.
Our goal is to raise at least £120,000 to buy our own plot to secure the rescue’s future.
If you know of anywhere that may be suitable please get in touch.
Even just a few pennies can help us achieve this amazing goal for rabbits.