Welcome to Royal Russell School Triathlon 2021
Royal Russell pupils are full of energy and raring to be back on the field, ready to take on their favourite sports - swimming, cycling (or scooting), and running - whilst contributing to the wider community, raising money for Restless Development and supporting young people across the globe make generations of sustainable change.
Your fundraising makes a HUGE difference.
Restless Development is all about one thing: youth leadership. Young people are often overlooked and sidelined as equal citizens. But Restless Development believes that young people have the solutions to the worlds biggest problems - from climate change to gender inequality and unemployment. As a global development charity, Restless listens, trains and supports young people to lead change in their communities.
By taking part in this event you'll receive medals, certificates, recognition for your hard-work, and Royal Russell tokens, as well as supporting hundreds of young people globally.
Hit your £30 target before event day and get your rewards in a special assembly!
N'namdi, from Sierra Leone, was forced to drop out of school when she was 13, putting her mental and physical health at risk. By raising vital funds, girls like N'namdia can be a part of Restless Development's 'Leave No Girl Behind' Programme, where they can learn skills for employment, earn income and support themselves and their families.
Reach £60 and you'll get a superstar fundraiser medal awarded in assembly!
You've been amazing at reaching your target! Keep up the great work and support more young people campaign for a more equal world. Like Seema, 22, who is transforming the lives of teenage school boys and girls in Delhi, India, by giving them a much-needed opportunity to discuss and better understand the gender-based issues affecting their lives.
Special medals for your incredible efforts!
Medals will also be awarded on the day for taking part.
Stand out for extraordinary work and receive TEN Royal Russell tokens!
Thank you so much for all of your kindness and generosity - by taking part in this event, you can have a huge impact.