This year, we are raising funds to increase access to our community garden, particularly for people struggling with mental illness and social isolation. All funds raised through this appeal will cover activity costs and travel to and from Roots' community garden for people who may struggle to access the service without this support.
All donations will contribute towards the following activities:
£4 - could cover the cost of public transport for someone to attend Roots.
£8 - could cover the cost of travel for an individual to attend Roots twice.
£20 - could cover clothing for attendees to wear in the garden, including safety boots or a warm jacket.
£50 - could buy seeds and equipment for community activities at the garden.
Christmas is considered a special time of year. A chance for family and friends to get together, exchange gifts, indulge in food and enjoy each other's company. Sadly, for many, the winter months can be an exceptionally challenging time, exacerbating mental ill health, substance and alcohol use challenges and social isolation. We see first-hand the impact of this time of year on the individuals who visit Roots.
As the cost of living crisis takes its toll across our society, with those already facing multiple disadvantages being hit the hardest, at Roots, we are finding a growing barrier for people to attend our projects, which is the cost of public transport. We want to provide additional support to remove these barriers for those who need this support the most. We are grateful for all donations received to help us achieve this.
About Roots to Recovery:
We know there is more to allotments than simply gardening – they play a vital role in individual and community well-being! Roots to Recovery (R2R) is our award-winning garden-based project providing a therapeutic growing space to reduce social isolation and increase physical and emotional well-being for the most vulnerable people in Luton.
R2R brings people together, nurturing and growing friendships, not just vegetables. We help people become happier, healthier, and job-ready through various learning opportunities.
Our regular attendees have lived experience and joined R2R because they were experiencing or recovering from:
- Social isolation - Trauma - Mental ill-health - Substance and or alcohol use disorder - Autism - Homelessness - Learning disability - Abuse - the Criminal Justice System
For many people, coming to the garden is their only time to socialise outside their accommodation, participate in activities independently, and meet new people.
R2R has a one-acre site offering opportunities for people to get involved in a range of activities:
- Access to a therapeutic open space and workshop
- Extensive range of non-clinical support services, training programmes and social groups designed to empower and boost health and wellbeing
- A place to grow and cook organic food, enhance healthy eating and manage food budgets
- Access to healing opportunities in the natural environment
- Plant and harvest produce together, talking and receiving support from an understanding network of people via peer support
I'm not sure what it is about Roots, the sense of community, shared pain, or the complete lack of being judged. Whatever it is, I wouldn't be exaggerating when I say that it has saved my life. - Roots Participant
I love getting involved in the hard labour, digging beds, and shifting wheelbarrows. However, some days, all I have felt like doing is sitting down and getting through the day, not alone. Whatever I feel like doing is ok at Penrose Roots. - Roots Participant
I have had times over the past 14 months where I felt suicidal and saw no reason to carry on. Having the support and genuine care of Penrose Roots and the staff has helped me carry on. - Roots Participant