On average, Cardiff Women's Aid will receive 150 referrals each week. Each referral represents a woman, child, or family in crisis.
My partner controlled all aspects of my life; what I wore, what I ate, where I went, and what I could spend my money on. I had to get myself and my two children away from the physical and emotional abuse that was happening at home. - Seren*
Rise and Take Action against domestic abuse; challenge yourself to achieve something incredible, and raise funds to ensure we can reach every woman, girl, and family in desperate need of our services. Click here for more information.
How you get involved is up to you; start a Couch to 5k programme, go for a swim every week for a month, sign up for the Cardiff Half, or brave the skies and do a tandem skydive. Raising funds for Cardiff Women's Aid can help you achieve your goal, and help some of the most vulnerable people in Cardiff to rebuild their lives.