The people of YEMEN need URGENT help today! A group of 10 cyclists will be cycling from the West to the East of England in order to save countless lives today.
2.2 million Yemenis are now in need of urgent humanitarian assistance after a ruthless civil war disrupted the majority of Yemen. 85,000 children have already died and millions more are at risk of losing their lives because of malnutrition. You can provide emergency aid and give them some relief today.
£50 Can provide life-saving medication to the sick.
£90 Can feed 3 families of 5 for one month.
£100 Provide a family of 5 with winter packs.
£250 Help to rebuild a family home affected by the war.
£1000 Can provide up to 1000 people with a Hot Meal
Please DONATE NOW and SAVE countless lives today. May Allah swt reward you and accept it from you. Ameen.