Experience the thrill of jumping from up to 13,000 by taking part in a charity tandem skydive for Ride High.
The skydive will take place at Hinton Skydiving Centre in Brackley Oxfordshire.
The Ride High team will greet you on the day and after a short briefing from the professionals at Hinton you will be ready to jump, strapped to the front of an experienced Tandem Instructor who is there to operate the parachute and ensure you receive the best experience.
With the adrenaline of the freefall followed by an exhilarating canopy ride, sky diving is an experience like no other and something you’ll never forget. Of course, the experience will be extra special as you’ll also be helping to raise funds for Ride High to support their ongoing work with vulnerable and disadvantaged children.
Ride High uses horses as a vehicle to connect with the children. The children learn to ride and care for the horses while also taking part in classroom sessions that aim to develop personal and life skills.
The programme helps teach the children to manage negative feelings such as anxiety and depression, promoting positive mental health. Learning new skills and pushing them out of their comfort zones develops their resilience and self-confidence, so they become happy individuals who participate more in society.