Comic Relief

Red Nose Day 2024 - Communities

Red Nose Day is back on Friday 15 March. This Red Nose Day, it takes different kinds of people to be all kinds of funny. It takes different kinds of people to raise all kinds of money.
by 10923 supporters
Event: Red Nose Day 2024, on 15 March 2024
Closes on 31/07/2024
RCN 326568

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This Red Nose Day, it takes different kinds of people to be all kinds of funny. It takes different kinds of people to raise all kinds of money. It takes you. You and your brilliant generosity and incredible fundraising.

So, whether you’re a cake-baker, joke-maker, telly-watcher, t-shirt-wearer, Red Nose-buyer or just a laugh-til-you-cryer, get ready to take silly seriously and help people facing impossible choices each and every day.

Get ready to Do Something Funny for Money.

So far, our fabulous fundraisers have raised over £1.3 billion to help projects in the UK and across the world.

Thank you for getting involved and making a difference.

Your donation really does help:

£50 could provide a family in the UK with access to mental health advice and support.

£110 could educate a child in India for a year

£250 could pay for a young homeless person to move into their new home with the essentials they need.

You can read more about the difference your fundraising makes at:

About the charity

Comic Relief

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 326568
Comic Relief supports incredible projects and organisations who are making a difference for people across the UK and around the world. Since 1985, Comic Relief has raised over £1.3 billion to help those who need it most.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £34,935.57 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations
Direct donations
Donations via fundraisers

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