As well as being a central hub for the charity RDA, the National Training Centre, based at Lowlands Equestrian Centre in Warwickshire, is also home to three resident RDA groups. The horses, staff and volunteers all help to provide therapy, fitness and fun to nearly 100 local disabled riders.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the RDA National Training Centre has had to cease all activities for the foreseeable future. With no income from riding lessons, and our fundraising events cancelled, our income stream has already dropped to an unsustainable level. With a team of twelve horses and yard staff to care for we are asking for support from the local community to ensure we are here in the future to support our disabled riders.
Whilst we are all at home, and spending less money on social events and commuting to work, we ask if you would consider making a donation to us with some of the money saved. The smallest act of generosity could make a huge difference in these worrying times.
£5 saved on fuel driving to work each day could feed two of our horses for the day
£10 saved on a Cinema ticket could provide a bag of shavings to make our horses bed
£25 saved on a buying a round of drinks could pay for essential supplements
£40 saved on a meal out could pay for one of our horses to see the farrier
£100 saved from a romantic night away could help our yard team to continue caring for our horses
RDA is committed to providing life-changing experiences for disabled children and adults through horse riding whilst maintaining a high level of horse welfare. With your help we will be able to continue to support our riders in the future, and our experienced yard team will be able to care for our wonderful RDA horses until normality resumes.
Thank you for your support.