This Ramadhan Sponsor an Orphan and start making a difference in a child's life starting today. Third world countries are home to some of the most vulnerable children on this planet. Stunted growth, malnutrition, severe lack of medical aid and access to clean drinking water are just some of the horrific challenges many young orphans face.
This project is dedicated in memory of the 124,000 blessed companions that partook in the farewell pilgrimage of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him, may Allah swt be pleased with them all. It is without a doubt that if it was not for these blessed companions then today we would not have Islam and nobody would be left in the world to do Tawheed(worship the oneness of god)
Just think of the reward you will receive inshaAllah, not only are you following the prophetic guidance of caring for an orphan but you will also be doing it on behalf of the greatest of the companions of the Prophet peace be upon him that ever walked the face of this earth, may Allah swt be pleased with them all.
Your kind gift can make a difference in a childs life starting today, Sponsor an Orphan.
Al-Bukhari narrated that Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him said
I and the custodian of an orphan are like this (together) in Paradise, and he peace be and blessings be upon him joined his forefinger and middle finger together.