Children suffer with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) - an invisible and incurable condition.
Who will you choose to be in the 'Gunge-Seat'?! Could it be your favourite teachers, your sports coach, your healthcare team or your work colleagues?
To help children with arthritis:
1. Order your FREE Purple Gunge and Wear Purple Pack via our website -
2. Persuade 2 (or more!) people to sit in the Gunge-Seat on 23rd May (or a day that suits you before 30th Sept 2025?)
3. Collect donations via your JustGiving page for each of the people
4. GUNGE DAY! - the person with the most donations gets GUNGED!!
JIA is a type of inflammatory arthritis that affects the joints and organs and can significantly impact a young person's mobility, sometimes leaving them reliant on a wheelchair.
Founded in 2001, the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS) is a trusted source of information for children, young people and adults living with JIA. We are here to support, educate and campaign for those with JIA and their families, friends and the health professionals who treat them. We want children with JIA to feel seen, safe and comforted.
• £100 will provide 60 information booklets to help children and schools learn about the disease and give practical advice.
• £150 will provide 15 30-minute helpline calls to give support at a time of crisis.
• £200 will provide 7 one-hour facilitated meetings for families with a recent diagnosis.
Just think of the children and families you will be helping.
Let’s change the lives of children with arthritis together!
We can’t wait to hear what purple plans you have and to see your purple pictures!
Do email them to
For more #WearPurpleforJIA Ideas & Inspiration and to order your Wear Purple Pack and Purple Gunge, please visit: