Khadijatul Kubra (ra) Education Trust UK is an established and registered UK non-profit charity. We have an established track record of running two girls' madrasahs in Bangladesh, the first from 2003 and the second from 2013.
We have been providing free education for girls as well as running courses for adults and holding Islamic events for the public. The madrasahs house Islamic libraries open to both students and public to benefit from for free.
We have also been actively involved in humanitarian support and disaster relief, widow and orphan support and helping the poor and needy.
Our current vision is to purchase a building for a masjid in Newham, London - to hold the five daily prayers, advance Islamic education through courses for youth and adults, and to provide community services.
We want to invest in the present to improve our future. Join us in our vision, as the Prophet sal-Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
"Whoever builds a mosque for Allah be it large or small Allah will build for him a house in Paradise." [Tirmidhi]
InshaaAllah your donations for the masjid will become a charity that is ongoing and become a source of sadaqah jaariyah for you.
This masjid, like our madrasahs, will be established in honour of our mother Khadijah (ra), about whom Rasulullah sal-Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
"She believed in me, when people rejected me." (Ahmad)
She was the mother of the believers, the first Muslim woman and the beloved of the beloved.
Sadaqah and Lillah only for this project. NO Zakat donations on this link.
Khadijatul Kubra (RA) Education Trust
Sort code: 40-07-12
A/C: 11597698