Within the next 10 years, 500,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, and currently, 1 man dies every 45 minutes from the disease. Sadly, right now, up to a third of these men will be overtreated. That means they will be given the same aggressive treatments as men with advanced cancer, unnecessarily.
That is why Prost8 UK is fighting to provide wider awareness of these better treatments, as well as to buy, donate and deploy the equipment to provide the treatments into strategic NHS hospitals across the UK.
With events like The Prost8 Challenge, we are able to reach a larger number of people with our message, which we hope will change these statistics for the better.
By taking part and donating, you are helping those diagnosed receive the best possible treatment to not only save mens lives, but to save their lifestyles too.
To go a step further, we greatly appreciate you sharing our events and work on social media as this helps us to reach even more people that we may be able to help.