Prison SMART is a unique rehabilitation program that effectively transforms the mindsets, attitudes and behaviour of offenders, thus aiming to break the cycle of violence in our societies at the root and reducing reoffending. The holistic program offers innovative and effective tools with multiple benefits, including reduced violence and aggression, improved physical and mental health, better relationships, reduced substance abuse, more positive outlook, better coping strategies, and a general improved sense of wellbeing.
Since its inception in 1992, Prison SMART (Stress Management And Rehabilitation Training) has developed into a globally recognised program implemented in 50+ countries and has benefitted more than 250.000 offenders and staff.
Prison SMART is a holistic program that offers innovative and effective tools to reduce the rate of recidivism, offer the possibility of genuine rehabilitation to offenders, heal the victims, and improve the performance of law enforcement personnel. It is a first of its kind program to break the cycles of violence in society and prevent more violence.
Thank you for your generosity and support.
Prison SMART