For many reasons, people's first experiences of swimming, whether at school or at the gym, are not always great. This collaboration between Pride Swim and Switchboard is to encourage people to remember the joy of movement!
Since their founding in 1974, Switchboard have guided members of the community through police raids, the HIV/AIDS crisis, Section 28 and more. We are one of the UK’s longest running, volunteer led charities serving the LGBTQIA+ communities, offering calm words when they are needed most.
For just £20, you will receive your own pack, including:
A swimming cap
A medal
Information on how to plan your swim!
After signing up, you will have about 3/4 weeks until your pack arrives, giving you some time to plan your challenge! You will then be ready to get in the pool and take part in whatever challenge you have set yourself, whether that is just having your first lesson, getting back in the pool after a while, or doing a much longer swim challenge!
Short of ideas for the kinds of challenges you could do? Here are some ideas below!
Create a new routine by challenging yourself to go to the pool a certain amount of times, so for example, every Monday for a month, or 8 times over a certain period of time! This can be a great option if you are getting into (or back into) swimming, and just need a nudge!
Commit to doing a certain distance, either in one go, or over time! For example, one swim of 5 lengths, or 20 lengths in a month!
Team up with friends, family and colleagues- maybe you could commit to doing one big challenge together, like 100 lengths as a team, or one big swimathon where you tag team to do a distance on one day!