Christmas is a time to relax and enjoy ourselves with family and friends. But it can be difficult for Disabled people to spend time with friends, old and new, without some support.
That's why Paul's Place exists. To help Disabled people come together, to try new things, and to live life to the full.
We do this not only at Christmas, but all year round, and what a year 2021 has been.
Do you remember, we started the year in lockdown? Such an anxious and uncertain time for everyone.
At Paul's Place, we were forced to close our doors. But we never stopped being there for people.
We switched to 'Paul's Place at Home', with daily Zooms and phone calls to keep us all connected. There was silliness, laughter, and comfort to get us through those dark days.
We all just wanted to see our friends again. So, with the easing of restrictions in April, we wasted no time in getting the most isolated people through the doors of Paul's Place, safely.
But that was just the start.
We knew it was important to get people outdoors and active again after repeated lockdowns. Not just for physical health but to boost mental health and well-being too. And soon, we were supporting people to run, cycle, throw, and sweat every week at the local athletics complex! What an achievement.
If you know Paul's Place, you know that making sure disabled people can enjoy a holiday each year is a big deal. Of course, the pandemic stopped trips abroad. But that didn't stop us. Once again, we adapted. We replaced our usual short breaks with a whole month of Staycation outings to amazing places on our doorstep. We made lasting memories.
If there is one thing the pandemic has taught us, we need to keep pace with new technology. For some disabled people at Paul's Place, they needed some extra support to unlock the power of their smartphones, tablets, and laptops. We developed new IT training sessions, one to one support, and a device loan scheme so people could become more confident and better connected.
This Christmas.
Everyone at Paul's Place is looking back on a year of hard work. Thanks to everyone who helped us make it! But we are looking ahead too. We must be there again for people in 2022.
By making a donation this Christmas, you will help us to thrive. Thank you.