The Posse Foundation identifies, recruits and trains incredible young leaders and sends them in multicultural teams - Posses - to 58 top colleges and universities across the country.
Current events have brought into sharp focus the systemic inequities that afflict our nation. Building a more just society for all will require collaborative leaders who span a rich diversity of backgrounds and perspectives, those who are capable of shifting policy and practice, culture and power. Posses core mission is to develop such leaders.
When you make a gift to support our award-winning leadership program, you join a community thats making a real difference. An investment in Posse is an investment in our Scholars. Your contributions will sustain us as we ensure our students stay on track to graduation, despite the unprecedented obstacles in their way.
Established in 2002, Posse Los Angeles has served 1,366 outstanding local student leaders. These young people have received $207 million in scholarships from our top-tier partner colleges and universities.
Posse is currently conducting its first-ever virtual Scholar selection, the Dynamic Assessment Process. We will eventually select 90 Scholars from Los Angeles to begin college in the fall of 2021. Posse Los Angeles current college and university partners are: Bucknell University, Dickinson College, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Kalamazoo College, Middlebury College, Northwestern University, Pepperdine University, Tulane University and University of Wisconsin-Madison.
This year Posse celebrates a milestone: We are selecting our 10,000th Scholar! We hope you will join Posse Los Angeles for The Power of 10,000 Glitter Soirée on Wednesday, October 21, 2020. This fundraising event recognizes the strength of a Posse of 10 dynamic students, and celebrates diversity in higher education and the workforce. For more information visit .